the love between me & you –



the love between me & you –

My love is a blossom forever in your care.

Tended to, cherished, my petals will be fair.

My love is an ocean against the gap is thine.

This love we share will ebb and flow in tune.

To the sound of our heart’s beating,

My Valentine!

google photo of:

Red Kalaniot, Anemone coronaria

Moments of Change

 oh my shutterstock rose


And in the low of the eve the cotton seed spins timelessly.

The harp, the home, the houses we know

are like catalysts of change.

The wind, therein, blows as the willow’s sigh…

The hearth that touches an eye ignites.

A blind man, he, learns to see!

While woodworms know to find a crevice to grow.

Heart’s do rend…

Morning’s are fair a-gain..

Within the realm of moments past.

Ever to linger as others gasp.

I’m doing my laundry, yes!





And now to sing of the joy’s a new washing machine brings.


For one thing, I’ll not be going to the laundromat anymore,

as I have been for the last two, to, three weeks.

On a happy note, though, I made a discovery; we have one in our small town!

This place, the laundromat, may also be the best one there is around!


With the consideration of buying a new machine,

we’d thought to check out a few places first;

but this turned out to be more of an agitation…



Continue reading “I’m doing my laundry, yes!”

Ah, Photography !

re-blog post



Can a photo be so ugly

as to capture the blood

and tears of man…?

Wretched life, this some have.

Photography !

Their pain depicted in frame

now your pain of indignation,

or disbelief…

Could it be we just need relief…

Thus, there no need to grieve…

I’d rather see something pretty;

something beholden of spring…

I’d rather look upon poppies,

delicate, pink poppies, flourishing.

Recalling their scent just by

gazing at them…

This bouquet would be a

pleasant offering, I’d say.

But just as the flower’s

will not last…

some pictures only offer aghast.

Photography !

Renewal in Spring




In spring, it’s such a splendid thing

when bud or rosette

along branch-let – stem

form flora’s – leaves.

The grasses, too, start to grow.

Forage – green, starts to show.

Sprouts forming, push forth.

And spring-time floral’s, they display,

shew forth a beautiful array,

for one to see.

Our world seemingly renews, is pristine;

in the presence of all things flourishing.

Oh, so, blossom before thine death…!

Leave Mother nature to try her best…

Empty of her eggs to nest…

In a Robin’s surely home.

Embracing love’s Precept(s)





Owe no one anything except to love them;

for love is the key to happiness and peace.


To showth love to thy child & thy partner.

Tis’ as thy grandest harvesting splendour.


Erstwhile, as thy hath neglected to bless.

In doing so your own heart knows drouth.


Why thou forgo to pardon thy neighbour?

In doing so you lend your heart a favour.


Love – love is as one’s greatest attainment.

To forfeit love is to rend your soul barren.

Rip – to Repeat

(ripped heart’s)

It’s as if with some, never

having learned the power of

restraint, they often-times

repeat selfish behavior(s)

o’er and o’er


(lost pawns)


they dip their feet in

their own grave. Marred by

controversy.  Stagnated


Or self disgust?

The bars of repeat

behavior(s) enclosing.

And, as for freedom, this is only had

when those around experience the same…

Poetry Cap – form writing

I honesty think

I could immerse myself

in poetry all day.

Kind of like having a bath in words.

Where the spray, white cap lap in your thoughts.

And you gently rock to – fro in scented foam.

The colors that one sees in these is for speculation.

Scoop em’ up and watch the bubbles dissipate…

Melt as a flavorful candy in your mouth.

Ah, Poet’s Corner.