Spring’s Inviting Warmth


In March, the warmth of spring arrives.
The sun no longer cool thru slate skies.
The dusky pinnacle of winter dwindles.

The cheer of sunbeams streams down.
Forms a windowsill of warmth for pet’s.
A stimulative blanket to warm our legs.

Come, oh, spring add your cheeriness.
The buds to bloom on vine, on branch.
The flora to show a display attentively.


World Concern – children


It came upon a midnight clear.
Children fear cops far n near.
No shoes cover his small feet.
A meal’s not ready, prepared,
by mom or dad to eat. Left
in the gutter – trenches is he.
Just a tiny Lit tot. Facing
Christmas all alone. A flat
box, soaked by snow, his only
covering. He’s, just, gland the
cops ne’er found him t-day.
Now he can live a-other day. Continue reading “World Concern – children”